For some particular reason, THIS Mother's Day is especially highlighted. Well,
sure, there's the OBVIOUS reason: Our focus on Henry. Since the day i gave birth, he's been an unrequested highlight of our lives. But Ron and i agreed: we would NEVER change a thing. That is only solidified with each beaming smile he gives, or when i feel the strength growing in his little body and limbs. I was supporting him on my chest yesterday, facing my back, and he was holding his little head up and turning it all around for a long time. So inquisitive and strong. YOU GO, HANK!

And of course as i type this, I think of Sam and Thom, my gorgeous adorable love bugs at home. Sam mystifies and astonishes and brightens my every day, with this brain power and ingenuity and courage. I want to wring his neck with this disobedient mouth one day (or i should say one MINUTE), and the next, he is a bundle of affection, and I want to quite literally eat him up with kisses. Guess that's what being four is all about. And Thomas... well, we all know by now that Thomas is "Simple Simon." "Happy Go Lucky." He's our
Tommy Boy and i can't wait to play with him again:

I'll grab his feet and stick them to my nose and cause a gigantic rukkus about how BAD they smell, and the contagious giggle that comes outta his face is one of the
BEST sounds in the whole world!! Even Sam comes running and joins in on the laughter, just watching. "Do it again, Mom... do it again."
I think of Shirley, Ron's mom, who has helped us unselfishly for many weeks in our separation between Corning and Philly. Without her during that time, there's a scramble to find last minute babysitters and on-the-go lunches and dinners. Plus, no 'Nanny Luvvins.' Much appreciation to you, Shirley!

I miss my Mom. I recently shared some funny memories of her on here. While she was limited physically with her various ailments, she was definitely not limited mentally, or compassionately. My mother never lectured me, she always counseled me. She guided me, even through a ton of the worst decisions i ever made (in retrospect of course). She never judged me or belittled me. She never made me feel less than what i was and always encouraged me during my every new Life Change. And i think she was most proud three times: When i graduated from art college, when i bought my house solo, when i gave birth to the boys. She died when

Thom was one month old, but i'm so happy she got to meet him. She would have loved Henry too. I cannot imagine how proud she'd be of me NOW, but i am picturing her smiling down at me, and I love the thought. Life certainly plows on without my Mom, but during these times with Henry, i REALLY REALLY miss picking up the phone to hear her voice and consolement and she ALWAYS said the most perfect thing to make me feel better. Probably the greatest reason I'm able to handle things with Henry so stoically is because my mom prepared me for challenges with grace and a clear mind. Life sometimes stinks, and we don't get what we want, but it's how we deal with it that matters. She'd say, "oh hun... go ahead and have a good cry. You can even get mad. But then what? It's still there. You are smart and sensible... your instinct will guide you. And i love you so much."

The UPenn Glee Club came to sing at the RMH (Ronald McDonald House) this morning. They were very good! A very melodious version of "Yesterday" by The Beatles and a finger-snappin' version of "Blue Skies" were among the songs. Nice! The Guest Breakfast Chefs prepared a great bfast with REAL fresh fruit and homemade quiches. They also made little tiny bouquets, which i brought in to sit in Hank's room.
Well... to all the mom's reading this, and even to the non-biological moms who care for children in a 'Mom-way'... today is for you. Whatever you do, take some YOU time to give yourself a pat on the back for caring for your children and doing an awesome job.
Every day is Mother's Day, really.
I really enjoyed reading this post. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again. You are an amazing women Christine Samson Telford! I'm proud to call you friend!
ReplyDeleteOkay, now i can't figure out if you type "women" on purpose to be funny, cuz its your THING, or if you truly keep misspelling it. Either way, i love ya for it! Makes me laugh.