I'm the happiest kid EVER! |
Shirley (aka Nana) took Thomas, and not Sam, for a little one-on-one time to see Barney Live in Concert. I had purposely introduced Thom to Barney in the weeks before, via Netflix Watch Instantly, as he'd never heard of the Big Purple Dinosaur before. Needless to say he LOVED it. Shirley said he paid attention and sat still for most of the show, which started at 6:30. He's usually winding down from the day at that time. He came home at 9:30 p.m. wide awake and full of ear-wide grins and giggles. Not to mention carrying a Barney balloon. Thom LOVES balloons. Thank you Nana, for showing Thom a great time and surviving the barage of kids everywhere. And thanks also to my friend Christa for selling us the two tickets.
anyone here in 2025??