Tuesday, April 13, 2010

G-J Tube

... waiting, with my favorite "bracelets" on...

It's 11:30 am and Henry's G-J tube placement was not only successful, but indeed, VERY FAST. I had no more than sat down in the Family Resource Center down the hall and up a couple floors before i was getting the phone call that he'd returned! Wonderful. I knew that meant there were no complications.

In fact, less than an hour since placement, they are starting him on feeds! This will be the test. If he tolerates his feeds, that will be VERY good news and indicative of our return home. Because the feeds are going directly into his intestines, and there is not really a 'holding area' in the intestines like there is in your stomach, Henry will be on continuous feeds from now on. Smaller amounts over a longer period of time. The nurses/docs will explain to me how to set his feeds while i am at home. There IS some downtime from feeding, just not sure yet how that will work and when.

Also, we have to be sure that he does not start up the Bradying Fiasco like when we first got here. Those seemed to have chilled out once they took his feeds away (he's been without food, but not without nutrients, for about a six days now). While it is possible for him to continue reflux complications with the food going directly into his intestines, the hope is for it to be lessened, enough to keep bradying and desats at bay.

Henry, snoozin' off the anesthesia


  1. He looks great! Just chillin' out. Nice pics, too. {:)>...&...

  2. Great news!! Looking at that pic, he looks like his daddy. I never met his daddy but have seen the pics on your facebook page Good luck.

  3. Thanks for the update, Chris! Yaaaaaay for GJs! Henry is exhibiting a very Ron-just-chillin vibe in that last pic. Come home soon, both of you!

  4. Hi Christine,

    I'm glad to read that Henry's procedure went well. It must be hard to be there so long away from your family.
    I wanted to let you know that after tomorrow I'll be gone for 2 weeks. You may need to see another provider. Do you have a preference? That way I can give them an update on what's been going on with Henry.
    Hope you can come home soon, give my love to Henry.

    Virginia (Dr Ruas)

  5. This is such a nice post to read. I am glad this procedure went well.... I am so impressed that you even got your doctors writing in comments! ;)
