Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Blog Stuff

Just a quick note about the blog. First, maybe you'll notice our background is spiffier. Just having fun with free backgrounds i found on a website. Easy and fun to change the feel of things.

Second - I have been LOVING the comments you guys leave on the blog. I love knowing that its being read and enjoyed. Of course, its the easiest way to update all of you in one spot. I wanted to let you know, however, that there IS A SPOT for you to type your name, but it's kind of hidden. When you hit "Comment" you'll notice there is a choice for "Name/URL." If you pick that, you can simply type your name in the name box and then leave your comment. You don't have to register and you don't have be "Anonymous" anymore. Just an FYI.

Today is Tuesday. I'm hoping tomorrow i'll have a NOTEWORTHY new blog entry (wink wink)... we shall see.

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