A couple evenings ago, Sam needed a diaper change. He had pooped and some of it had gotten on his pants. It was around 7pm and he was due to go to bed in an hour; his pjs were in his room upstairs. Instead of making 2 trips, i told him he could go around pantless until bedtime. Usually he would love this - he loves being "naked." But on this particular night, he said, "Daddy... can i have pants?" Ron explained to him again about just chillin' out for a while, and Sam asked one more time, then let it rest.
Ron told Sam he could have a small bowl of chocolate ice cream before bedtime (a "treat"). The three of us indulged, actually. We were all sitting in the living room, Ron on the couch, me in the recliner, and Sam at his seat at the end of the cocktail table. After a couple bites, he dropped a small glob of ice cream on his leg.
And he says, while looking down, cleaning it up with his finger, mumbling to himself...
"See??... THIS is why i needed to have PANTS on."
OMG! that is priceless!!!