For those of you who did not know, she has been very ill for the past month and a half.
ACTUALLY, it all started several months ago with some 'unhealthy' throwing up; we knew she was old, and that maybe it might be heart related,
but she was still full of life. The vomiting never really stopped (only increased), and then soon, she lost her appetite. She'd eat a very modest "meal" every two to three days. I took her to the vet, where the doc took some bloodwork and did an ultrasound. It was determined that her liver might not be doing so well (speculated cancer) as her gall bladder was twice its size.
Keets was given some antibiotics as well as Prilosec (to calm her stomach so that she could eat), and in a day, she seemed back on track. Eating (though small portions), keeping her food down, etc. But within a week, she aborted eating again (this time, for good really, barring 1 or 2 animal crackers every few days!) and Ron and I watched her weight drop even further; at the first vet's visit, she was 20 lbs. lighter than her last healthy visit.
Kita continued at this pace for a couple weeks. Getting progressively weaker, not even an attempt to eat, and showing physical signs of labor (breathing, shakes, etc.). It was breaking my heart daily as she just got skinnier and weaker. Ron and i made a joint decision to help her leave this world in a comfortable way, before maybe it wouldn't be so calm. She really did seem decently comfortable despite the above noted conditions, which is why it made it so hard for us to finally make a decision to put her down. I really don't like that phrase - PUT HER DOWN - so maybe i mean "let her go."
We were all in the room with her, and it was actually a very beautiful thing. She never made a wimper and in 15 seconds, she was at total peace. Ron and i are doing pretty good, though we have our moments here and there. So far, Beegsley does not seem to notice and/or care, not sure. And of course, Sam is too busy discovering that he has sock fuzz
between his toes to notice. Just as well.
Ron and i picked a nice spot in our backyard for her, and I'm going to make a small flat cement plaque to mark the site.
I've never met or owned a dog before with such a gentle demeanor and loving soul. There wasn't a person i know who met Nikita who didn't totally dig her. I'm laughing here: THAT SAID, her and CJ could get into a couple 'queen' tiffs, which only went to show that Kita might have been laid back, but she stood her ground too.
We love you, Nikita.
My heart goes out to you, Chris and Ron. I know that it was a tough decision to make. I may have to make the same decision soon. My 17-year-old cat may not last too long. Take care.