Before you go any further in this post, tell me you don't remember this classic M&M's commercial from the eighties? I wonder where these kids-now-adults are now? The kids at the end prolly went thru JuVee a few times!
So we headed up to Ellie's for Easter weekend. Took off Saturday afternoon and i fully expected Sam to doze off, but nope, he stayed awake the whole time, taking in
the sites, txting a few friends, and dancing like John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever - ALL FROM HIS CARSEAT! It was only in the last 20 minutes that he was a fuss budget, and Ron managed to amuse him in 28 second increments with various crap laying around in the back seat area. This is why it can pay off to be messy!
We spent the night (Sam took to a new environment very well - i'm glad he didn't nap in the
car - he was zonked!). The next morning we "found" Easter Eggs "hidden" around their house. Those words are in quotes cuz the eggs were in plain view and were getting stepped on right and left. I joked with Ellie and Chip that they would have been better off ACTUALLY hiding them, and WELL, since Sam is very good at finding stuff in weird spots that i haven't seen in a long while.
We had supper at Ellie's husband's stepmother's house (get that?). It was
a full spread - turkey, ham and kielbasa - OH MY!!! So delicious. Sam had his own little place setting, with a small fork and spoon that Joyce had kept from her kids. Sam took to using the fork like it was nothing! I was so impressed watching him stab his food, quite dexterously (sp) i might add, and eating like a Big Boy! He ate everything we did, including some dessert.
Again, no nap, but this time, he zonked on the ride home. He did become fussy with 40 min to go, screeching in spurts SO LOUDLY that i could do nothing but laugh hysterically in response. It was that kind of really ANNOYING screech too. Next I noticed that Sam had gotten into the Easter Basket grass next to him, and all was quiet. Messy but quiet. We'll take that! Grass is still spilling out of the car every time we get in and out.
All and all, a really nice holiday weekend. It was rare and really cool that Ron and i had a weekend day off together.
I shall leave you on another 80s Easter Commercial note. How could you not remember (and LOVE) this one too!??!
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