Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Sammy-isms

Lately, Sam's been using what I think are 'advanced' words/phrases on his own in conversation. Such as the word "otherwise," or the phrase, "I think it's best if I..." I'm quite sure he's getting this from listening to me, but he uses them in context, and it always cracks me up to hear a THREE YEAR OLD saying such adult things. I've always got my ear out... and I'm often quite amused at what it picks up.

So a little story: Lately, at bedtime, Sam is pulling out all the excuses not to go to bed. Typical three year old. I need another sip of water, i need another toy, i need, i need... BLAH BLAH. I cater to it a touch more than i'd like, but way less than most parents, i'm sure. Anyhoo, last night, he told me he wanted Panda for his one more toy. So i give it to him. I say "okay Sam, that's enough... no more. It's night night. I'm leaving." He starts in on this long rambly story about Panda, and something about Kim (his teacher at school), with a bunch of breathy pauses and disconnected sentences. So i cut him off, "SAM! That's enough... no more babbling. I'm leaving!"

And he says, "no, Mom... let me finish my sentence. What i'm trying to tell you is that Kim told me that I have to bring Panda to school (still pronounced "tool") because he is soft and that i should not be bringing hard toys like Thomas to sleep with at naptime."

WELL WHATDYA KNOW!?!?! Not only DID he have something useful to say, but he's communicating an actual message from his teacher about something he has to do!!!

So this morning, sure enough, he reminded me of what Kim said and went to get Panda and put him downstairs by the front door so he wouldn't forget.

I literally look FORWARD to having conversations with Sam these days. I can't remember if i've mentioned this in a previous post, but i'm quite serious about buying a small voice recorder for the car, cause some of these conversations (i'm only touching upon the ones i remember) would really make you smile/laugh!

*NOTE* Haha... so get this... i finished this blog entry and googled "Digital voice recorder" and one of the first ones to come up in a review is called the "Samson H2" - it's outta my price range, but i thought that was funny!

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