Clearly I'm not good at guessing baby weight, and i pick the kid up and down all day! He weighed in at 11 lb., 6. oz. That's almost FOUR pounds heavier than he was at birth. Good boy! I must be doin' somethin' right! You can tell too - he's 'filling out.' And he's got a nice little round buddha tummy that i love to rub and kiss.
I wanted to mention also how EASY Thom's been. He's just like Sam was. Very easy-going, smiling a lot, and just overall a JOY to take care of. I'm finding that emotionally for me, Thom is completely stress-free. I remember 'thinking' a lot more with Sam (expected, of
course, being my first child). With Thom, it's all coming very naturally and i'm not thinking about it at all, which for me, is a very good sign (like a good relationship - no analyzation!). For instance, i never look at the clock re: feedings. With Sam, i'd calculate 2.5 hours between feedings. Now, i just go with the flow.
I think a great deal has to do with the "been there, done that" mentality, but a lot also has to do with the fact that I've got Sam to give a lot of my attention to, and so i don't really have time to dole out my entire focus on Tom.
(is "dole" the word i wanted? It sounded right...)
Speaking of Sam - - whatta HOOT that kid's been lately. So chatty, so funny, so awesome.
He has a lot of "nooks." I started him on that: i would sit indian-style and he'd want to sit in between my legs and i started calling it his "nook." Soon he caught on to that notion and would make his own nooks - blocking himself into a corner in his playroom, squeezing between the couch and cocktail table just so, etc. Well, now we have "Dressing Nooks" in his bedroom - the areas at the foot or base of his bed. He decides in which of those nooks he'll get his pjs on.
He's also been really funny with making faces. He's got this one that he makes when he plays with Thom - i'll have to try and take a picture of it. Sam is also getting very good with his full sentences. "Mom - can you and me peas [sic] go to car to get pumpkin so you can have it?" Meanwhile, the inflections in that sentence are like a roller coaster ride - up and down, all over the place, which makes it even funnier. I'll have to start recording him chatting with me, that would be worth it.
My boys are MY BOYS. The more i look at Thom, the more i fall in love and am so eager and excited to have him play with Sam and be running around the Telford home. I'm kind of glad Sam was wrong, about getting a "sister." That said - - little Suzie Q would be getting this same blog entry about her, most likely. ;-)
I can't WAIT to see him, and to see how much SAM has grown too!! I am so excited!