The next morning, i noticed the bite had 'progressed.' It was no longer just an itchy white welt with a small center. It was a large red circle with tiny blisters near the middle. And it felt hot to the touch. I wondered if it was a spider bite, but i have no personal experience with them. Ron thought it might be too. I called the doctor on-call (as it was a Sunday morning), described it, and they asked me to come in. Sam, i should mention, was not phased by the bite at all. His demeanor didn't change, his energy level was still oh-so active, etc.
When we got there, the doc agreed it looked like a spider bite, but i guess spider bites are identical in looks to a staph infection, which we could not absolutely rule out since i did not SEE the spider bite him. I just had it in my head that the spider got him on our porch, and more specifically, from the couch we have out there. Nooks and crannies, you know. She gave him some oral meds (mm.. cherry flavor) and sent us on our way.
Within 2-3 days, it was definitely clearing up. We still don't know which it was, and just yesterday, i peeled off a pretty good "slab of a scab" of it, so now it's practically clear. Good.
"Mommy... don't PICK my pye-durh bite!"
Newsflash Sammy-Sams: Mommy is a PICKER!!!!
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