Karen, a member of our church, organized a Lasagna Fest Night! The idea was to bake several lasagnas to eat that night, as well as preparing and freezing a stash for future use in the case of members and friends needing some help (birth of a child, family illness, etc.). I thought it was a great idea and the whole evening was a smashing success!
Ron headed down to the church in a mini blizzard around 3pm to start cooking, and the rest of us (myself and the boys included) arrived at 5, ready with empty bellies and smiles on our faces. Sam and Thom were in GREAT moods and well-behaved, which made for a stress-free and super fun night on our part. The lot of us filled up four tables! I think we chowed through five full lasagnas. There was also yummy bread and great big green salads.
After supper, the tables were cleared and the kids went to one of the other rooms to decorate Valentine cupcakes! Sam was in heaven. Thom ran between that room and the main room, where it became GAME NIGHT! As we played and laughed, we watched tennis ball-sized snowflakes fall outside the windows! Needless to say, within minutes, Sam was outside with a couple other boys, playing and making snowballs.
It's worth stating as often as possible how happy Ron and i are to have joined this Fellowship. It's bringing a new happiness and a new group of really nice friends into our world. Really nice.
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