We arrived here late Saturday evening, January 30th. We stayed that night at the house of one of Ellie's friend's, Jillian and her husband Marcus. They proactively reached out to us, through Ellie, when they heard of our situation. They were so generous in offering us their comfy and cozy row house in the heart of the city. Luckily, for
To add to their kindness, Jillian and Marcus offered to take the boys to the Please Touch Museum on Sunday while Ron and i got situated at the Ronald McDonald House and with our first visit to CHOP. I gave our camera to them to take pics in our absense and they really got some GREAT ones. That evening (or maybe it was on Monday...), we all met up for supper at Chili's. Thomas was in ultimate screeching mode during that meal. Somehow we all made it through! ;-) My dad returned home in his own car to Corning the following Tuesday.
Here at the RMH, Sam quickly became friends with a little boy named Jim. He was a year older than Sam and he has DiGeorge Syndrome. His family and ours often joined each other for playtime and mealtimes. Jim warmed up to Ron and i as well, as he often sidled up to me asking me if i liked blueberries and if i had ever seen Wall-E. He was adorable. I also got a kick out of watching the dynamic between the two boys. Sam played quite well with him, but quickly became the "leader," and Jim the eager and willing follower. At one point, Sam told Jim that no one was allowed up the ramp (wheelchair ramp) because of the monsters - or something like that - and then they kept running around. At one point, Sam went away for a minute and Jim started up the ramp and then came back down. I beckoned him over to me and whispered "Jim - you can go up the ramp if you want to." And very seriously and with concern, Jim said, "But Sam said that i couldn't, so i won't." Hmm...
Ellie came to visit on Sunday evening with the idea that Henry might need the band surgery on Monday morning. The medical team planned to have the OR prepped and ready to go should the decision be made to have it; turns out it was decided against, and Henry remained stable, status quo. Ellie and Ron and I then made the big mutual decision to send everyone home (minus me, of course) to get things back in order at home, routine back in place, Ron back to work, Sam back to school, that whole thing. Of course its not the same without MOMMY (!), but it comes pretty close. I miss my gang already, but I've been taking advantage of napping and frequent visits to the hospital to hold and rock and sing to Henry - that is, when SNOW is not keeping me House-bound. Eek.
Below, for your enjoyment, the works of our budding photographer Samson. Not too bad, if i do say so myself...
Great post! Sammy's pics are spot-on... (but I think Mom did some cropping?) For the record, the shopping bags were over Sammy's SOCKS, not shoes. :)