Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bound and Determined

Sam reached into the bassinette where we keep Tom during the day, downstairs, and grabbed his little knitted hat he got at the hospital. You know the one - some old ladies spend all their waking hours at nursing homes making these little hats for newborns! They are CUTE. Sam started to pull it on his head. I said, "NO no Sam - that's for Tom. It's way too small for your head. Put it back." So he did (wow!). I went about things. Two minutes later, i hear, "Mom?... Mom?... Look." I turn around. He's got another one (from when he was a baby, actually, that i had on top of a pile of little newborn hats/caps) pulled TIGHT over his head! "See? Me pull it over - not too SMALL!" I laughed so hard. I thought he looked like some dude from the hood. Beyond that, it really accentuates the SIZE of his head, clearly still not proportional to his body. Whatta goof. I started to tell him he'll stretch it out, but it was just too funny to bother. That can be his little 'THING' he does now...

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