Sam reached into the bassinette where we keep Tom during the day, downstairs, and grabbed his little knitted hat he got at the hospital. You know the one - some old ladies spend all their waking hours at nursing homes making these little hats for newborns! They are CUTE. Sam started to pull it on his head. I said, "NO no Sam - that's for Tom. It's way too small for your head. Put it back." So he did (wow!). I went about things. Two minutes later, i hear, "Mom?... Mom?... Look." I turn around. He's got another one (from when he was a baby, actually, that i had on top of a pile of little newborn hats/caps) pulled TIGHT over his head! "See? Me pull it over - not too SMALL!" I laughed so hard. I thought he looked like some dude from the hood. Beyond that, it really accentuates the SIZE of his head, clearly still not proportional to his body. Whatta goof. I started to tell him he'll stretch it out, but it was just too funny to bother. That can be his little
'THING' he does now...
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