Well, not **his**, but his first INVITATION to one!

Shyam's daughter Ariana, who's in his daycare class, turned three and had a little party at a local community center. There were balloons (Sam was quite taken with holding on to one most of the time), activities (foam sticker pictures), and a story teller. And of course

there was cake and veggies and dip and pizza and chips and juice. Sam had a good ol' time.

He got a little restless during story time, but that's understandable (Ron was dozing off himself). I had to go to the bathroom just as Ria was starting to open her gifts and i asked Ron to watch Sam, as I had a hunch

Sam would not understand that the

gifts were for RIA, not him. Sure enough, i had no more than sat down to do my business and i could hear Sam start to cry in the other room; i guess he wanted to open one of her puzzles. I explained to him that it's not his birthday, but Ria's, and not his toys, but Ria's, BLAH BLAH. He calmed down. I think he got it. As an alternative, he very cheerfully decided to help by throwing away all the wrapping paper. That's my helpful son!
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