Ron and i chatted earlier, and he was okay with my possibly going to get Sam's hair cut without him. I knew it was going to be soon. Sam no longer donned the cutie pie curly locks in the back after a bath or a sweaty day. Now his hair was straight, scraggly and VERY static-y. He
Sunday, after his nap, we had some errands to run, and i thought i would take him to Cost Cutters across from Walmart. There was a line at 3pm! They told me it would be a 45 min wait, and i figured i could pick up some things at Walmart and come back, so i gave 'em Sam's name and left.
After shopping for only about 20 min at Walmart, i noticed their hair salon while i was paying. It was open - AND EMPTY. What the heck, right?
(In case you might be wondering why i didn't attempt the first cut myself... well, that's easy. No way, Jose! I know Sam, and i know me with cutting hair. He's squirmy and restless (or can be) and i take
forever to cut hair. With scissors. If i'm buzzing it off, no big whoop. But i knew buzzing was not an option for Sam's first cut)
I mosied in, cart and all, and the gal set us up near the back. Right away, he started getting a little leery about what was going on. Some whining, squirming and mild tears. She totally knew what to expect with Sam and gave me a ton of really good suggestions to make this all go more easily. I sat in the chair and had Sam straddle my lap facing me. The gal, Ashleigh, put bibs on both of us. There was another cute gal sitting
Soon after Ashleigh began, it occurred to me that i wanted to document this momentous occasion! I couldn't very well do it from my situation! So i asked Sticker Gal (missed getting her name) if she would want to do me a GIGANTIC favor and take some snaps. She was thrilled. And she got a ton of shots!
These two girls, i can't stress enough, really
made Sam's First Haircut a comfortable, peaceful experience. I was really appreciative, and happily tipped both of them well. I would go back there, especially to Ashleigh again. It was such a BASIC cut, i mean, i watched what she did, and i know how to do it, but she was FAST, and even, and he didn't even get through TWO SHEETS OF STICKERS. That's worth it to me.
So now my son is even MORE handsome and adorable than ever! It's only the second day, but i'm still getting used to his new look. Anytime i talk about his hair to him, he pats his head and nods with a smile. I think he digs it too!
AND A NOTE TO BOTH NANNIES AND POP-POP - - you will get your little baggie of HAIR, don't worry! If I'm feeling particularly creative, i might even do it up for you.