Friday, October 05, 2007

We've Had Fun Together

We just sold the Toyota yesterday! *Sniffle.*

But this is *Sniffle Part II.* I had emotionally parted with her previously when i sold her to a friend. This friend never put her on the road, and when i met Ron and he needed a car, we brought her back into the family! That was a fun day!

Well, about 3 years later, we've said goodbye again, this time for good. We sold her to a lady in Elmira who had been borrowing various cars to get around. Since we advertised her on Craigslist as very much being sold *AS IS*, she understood this concept fully and was an ideal buying candidate. While I'm sure the Toyota's engine and UMPH would have easily lasted another 100K, its all the little plastic parts (and not so plastic underside parts) of her that were dying.
Interestingly enough, on this very same day as well, we've just about firmed up the buying of another car to replace her. Used as well, of course. Our neighbors have a car that is in near perfect running order that they 'surrendered' to the cause of wanting a newer, flashier, faster car. That's why we exist - to rescue the slower but more faithful loving cars out there. ;-)

Updates on THAT addition to the family as they develop...

(oh yeah... i also got a root canal done this morning too. Ever had your entire NOSE be numb before? That's bizarre)

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