My friend Autumn from Wegmans and I ventured to Geneva to visit Kerry and Family. It was a gorgeous day - blue sky, puffy clouds, and
extremely enjoyable temps!
Emmet is Kerry's youngest and will turn 1 in about a month. Liam will be 4 in October. And Sam's just
about 20 mos. At one point, when all of us were in the kitchen, i tossed out to Kerry how, mathematically, all the boys could be hers (or mine for that matter). Could you imagine having three boys all under age 4? I could not. Eek!
What a great day! We hung out a bit before feeding all the kids. I introduced Liam to some sweet potato fries that i make Sam that i brought from home. He gobbled them up! For a while we thought the kids might take a
minutes later, Sam joined in on the fun and slid down all the slides. He really loved the big spiral one!
Thanks again Kerry, for the yummy sandwiches at lunch and being one of my best friends. Let's work on making them QUARTERLY visits, eh?
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