Sam is almost walking; if he's got a wall or table to stabalize him, he can scoot along pretty well. He's not talking, but his sounds are increasingly complex and variant.

Chris's cousin Kathie and her family traveled down from Maine around the 9th for four or five days. They shacked up here at our house, so things were cozy but a lot of fun. Tia (10) and Tanner (6) really got a kick out of Samson. We ventured to Hammondsport one night for their holiday celebration and on the day before they left, Tia and Tanner blew their own Christmas ornaments at a local hands-on glass shop. They really enjoyed that too!

Our Christmas and New Year's celebrations were tamed by Montezuma's Revenge (aka, The Stomach Bug): Christmas for Chris and I; New Year's Eve for Sam. Last night, when we finally got Samson back in bed after waking up sick, Christine and I did get to enjoy a bottle of Rosa Regale (a delicious rasberry champagne) and some of those chocolate-covered Virginia Peanuts that Wegmans sells. Yum. Incidentally, the cork of the Rosa Regale ricocheted off the ceiling and hit Chris in the head. Very Funny!

Other stuff happened, but I think I'll just let the pictures talk for themselves. The hiking club has been in full effect, so pictures can also be seen over at that site: http://corninghikingclub.blogspot.com

P.S.- Ron was excited to see this address posted in the Cazenovia Connexus. If you're an old friend from Caz, please be sure to leave a comment! Shout-Outs to Adam Pause who is living what sure looks like the sweet life in Colorado and playing with his band, The Dust Farmers.

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