Ron and Sam are doing "guy time" together and I'm almost ANSY with the feeling of "what should I do with myself?!" I mean, there's plenty to do, but to be alone is almost euphoric, in a way. This is kind of fun!
So here i am, updating the blog.

Here's Sam with Gramma Samson's latest creation, the Ear Flap Wonder! I love it cuz it fits his head well, is made of VERY soft wool, and he doesn't tug on it cuz it doesn't fall over his eyes (all the hats i find for him are either way too small, or a little big because they are made for older kids). Way to go GRAMMA!

Here is Sam at his first hockey game! I'll admit, i was hesitant in going because I would have to bring Sam with me, but it all worked out really well and he was GREAT! He petered out around the beginning of the third period, but I was totally fine with that. He got into clapping (at the right and wrong times!), as well as peole watching. I can't wait to bring him when he GETS IT!

Here is Sam with his first "knobby" puzzle. I've been looking for one of these for a while now because i've noticed that he seems to like puzzles. Putting things in and out of 'designated areas.' He mostly crawls around his playroom with a piece in his mouth, but when i sit there with him, he does a pretty good job getting the lion or tiger or ELEPHANT (O my!) in the right space. And if he doesn't, i clap happily with that too!

And finally... well... here's my dad paying homage to Sam a few posts ago. :-)