Sam's begun eating solids! Woo hoo. A major milestone in The Life of Baby. So far, he's rejected none of the regs: applesauce, pears, carrots, green beans (so far) nor the ol' standbys: rice and barley cereal. I'm hoping that indicates a welcome appreciation for a variety of good stuff later down the road. Ron and i dig just about everything (okay, i hate lima beans!), so we hope to pass that onto Samson. Unfortunately, while he loves gobbling the new foods down, the "back door" is not as kind. I think we've got Mr. Sensitive Skin on our hands; I'm already a pro with tending to and curing diaper rash. Quiz me!
Sam is so cute! Glad to see all is going well! Watch out for the gastric sweet potatoes! If you need anything for Sam we have lots of Dylan's stuff left. Well take care and hope to hear from ya soon.