About a week ago, i would not have been able to type the following, and i haven't passed it by Ron on whether or not we should make it 'public,' but i trust just about every good parent has had the following happen to them, and i'm A GOOD MOM, so here it goes:
I let Sam fall off his diaper table on my watch.
I had run to the kitchen for a second (he was strapped to the table, letting his diaper-rashed butt air dry) and next i knew, a loud BOOM. I turn; he's on the floor. Wailing, of course.

I just about puked, i was so scared, my hands were shaking violently as i picked him up. Let it be known now, at this point into my story, that he is fine. He was actually fine no more than 15 min later, after he finished his sniffling. Spare me the reprimanding, because even though i let it happen, and i feel horrible about it, i
KNOW one never leaves a baby unattended. For the record, he did not roll off the side; he pushed himself up lengthwise from under the "safety strap." How come i didn't see that coming? Ugh.
So you think that's bad enough? Just
FOUR DAYS LATER, i was rocking in the chair on the porch,

feeding him (on an amazingly warm and gorgeously sunny April day), and i hear some very faint cracking sounds. One here. One there. I find it odd, but i keep rocking. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two: CRAAACK - - the chair breaks (every overweight person's nightmare!), and both Sam and i go tumbling down, he, again,
landing on his head, though this fall was cushioned a majority of the way down by me. He was fine in about 18 seconds, and this time, i felt like a 'seasoned mom,' quite familiar with tumbles and falls.
Poor Sam. Needless to say, i'm breaking him in rather "nicely." He hasn't decided to hold any grudges, which is cool, because i'd really miss his awesome little smile.
The ladies at work made me feel better by sharing their own horror stories, one including an 8 mo old that tumbled down a whole flight of stairs, only to land at the bottom cooing.
For another record: the chair that i broke was old, weather-beaten wood from sitting on our porch unpainted or tended to for 6+ summers and winters. That is not to mask the fact that i need to lose weight, this i know. God.