Day 1: Friday night. Arrived at 5:30ish. Windy as hell, dark skies, looming clouds. BUT HEY - WE GOTTA CABIN, so who cares! Thank goodness we did. The rain came pouring outta the sky, but we were dry, T5 and Beegsley. Between storms (it rained most of the night), the boys and i managed a walk down to the bathroom (~150 yrds away?), the Marina and Beach/Playground. A nice little walk. We did get rained on, but no big whoop. Of course i packed for just this kind of event!
The cabin had no heat and no electricity. But that was fine. The temp inside never got frigid (my biggest concern with bringing Henry, coming off of a cold) and we had a nice amount of glass-jarred candles to light the scene. The kids got a kick out of sleeping in sleeping bags and all went well.
3am: Got up to pee. Saw every single solitairy star. Smiled big, loving life.
Day 2: Morning. GORGEOUS! Blue sky, nice chill, totally refreshing. Kids woke up in a great mood. Everyone gathered wood for our morning fire. Henry's stroller served as a convenient carrying cart with him in it! Thomas was
The afternoon went similarly swimmingly (fun phrase!). Ron put together one of those golf lasso games that everyone loves and the kids had fun with that. Our neighbors' children were eyeballing the game and Ron invited them over to play. Two girls, 8 and 10. Needless to say, Sam and Thom now had immediate friends who hung out with them the rest of the day.
Saturday night's fire was capped off with, of course, s'mores. I even managed to roast some marshmallows that DID NOT burn; I made Ron proud.
Sunday morning was just as crisp and clear,
T5's camping has probably concluded for the 2012 season. Next year, Ron and i hope to fire up the pop-up camper our friends sold us 2 seasons ago for $150! It needs a tire, some patch work and to be DMV registered. Put that on another to-do list!....
(There's even more pics!... Check em out here!)
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