And even though Henry had been home a cumulative 3 weeks before this return (2 weeks and 1 week), it never felt as meaningful and "solid" as this return does. And so i feel we are celebrating, in a way. Today, we spent the whole day "out and about" and it felt SO VERY NICE.
We started the morning by getting all of us put together and in the car by 9:15 and we headed to my Dad's Community Rummage Sale. The morning got hot FAST, in that sun, but we put Henry and Thom in the double stroller (a Godsend!) and Sam chose to ride his bike with Pop-Pop riding next to him. And we walked around, going from house to house, looking at the stuff for sale. Ron went to work, and Thom and Henry napped while I tried to get Sam to do the same. I believe Sam is growing out of his nap time. Sniffle. It was good while it lasted!
After the boys woke up, I got them all situated and packed up, sippies and snacks in hand, and went to a local park next to a pond. Sam and Thom played on the playground for about 45 min (Hank snoozed) and then the four of us walked around the pond, making observations and singing songs. And can i just say again - IT WAS HOT! Oofah. Really muggy, too. I was literally dripping sweat onto Sam's lap as i buckled him into his seat to go home ("MOOooOOoommm!").
The evening concluded with a light supper, lots of cold water to drink and fans blowing, and a sudsy red-colored bathtime. I LOVE MY KIDS right outta the bath, smelling fresh and clean, no longer sticky and stinky.
Henry is being monitored via a heart telemetry kit that was initiated the last time we got home (the time we were home for mere HOURS, a month ago). This time, i'm pretty sure it will last the full 30 days AT HOME. His heart is monitored remotely. My only job is to change the wires to his chest daily, change the monitor's battery (AA) every 3-ish days and charge the transmitter every night.
Glad to hear everyone is doing well, happy and together !
ReplyDeleteLove, love, LOVE the photos...did I mention I love them hehe.. You all look wonderful and comfy and its great to see. Keeping the prayers going to assure that we do all we can to keep that little bugger home and you all together. Kisses to the boys and a high five to both you and Ron for being such great parents. See you SOON!
ReplyDeleteThis post warms my heart! So happy for you guys that you are once again as a whole unit.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a nice post to read. It made me very happy. You look wonderful, and Thom is growing up so quickly! I guess they all are! I am so glad they are getting to know each other now, after such a long time in coming.
ReplyDeleteMy love,