I may be a month late in posting this, but i'm already doing better than i did LAST summer in NEVER getting around to posting a blog with pics. Tsk tsk on me. And last year's pics
This year, our family and Dad spent a week on
Lake Arrowhead in Maine with my cousin Kathie, her hubs John, and children Tia (12) and Tanner (8) at the beginning of August. As many, if not most of you know, this is an annual gathering, though none of us have labeled it a 'family reunion.' Maybe cuz in my mind, a family reunion dictates that there are so many people one has to wear a nametag. Not in this gang.

Our week was rather 'uneventful' in that we didn't run around the state doing all sorts of touristy, expensive things. We mostly hung around camp doing a lot of swimming (i fit in three mornings of a 'polar swim,' as cushy as it was), fishing and biking. All of us helped in doing about 6 jigsaw puzzles out on the porch (not all at once!). Also, i think we had a campfire every night, and Ron fired up his mad chef skills in cooking two full blown meals via campfire! Yum! This is my idea of a perfect vacation! The weather was the best Maine's had all season. Ron and I did drive around a little to visit some folks that we (mostly Ron) have befriended and/or knew from college.

On the very last full day before we left, all NINE of us (including Thom snoozing on my back) went blueberry picking, a FIRST for eight of us (can you guess which one had already done it before?*) - - we had a BLAST. Sam was especially into it and i was so impressed with how he never filled his container with green ones or mushy ones - only GREAT BIG BLUE ONES! That's my son! He loves his blueberries.

I look forward to this week together every year, and
every year, i daydream about going back to the lake for weeks after we've left. It's my dream that SOMEDAY we can own a family cottage on SOME LAKE, SOMEWHERE... that would be nice (except for the yearly taxes).
[* Dad has picked blueberries before, at least once right here in Big Flats, NY!]