It made it around to another year that the Bacchus Clan gathered for our annual reunion. This is a group of friends that i went to school with at Alfred, many of them engineers that I initially met through Shyam. The name Bacchus comes from the name of the apartment complex the main 6 guys lived in (all the apartments were named after Greek Gods. We're partial to Bacchus, the

God of Wine!). This gang is tight and getting to be a very large group! 14 years ago, it was a handful of us, all of us single (barring maybe The Gambees, a couple that have been married for close to this long), kidless and with stomachs having a large capacity for food and DRINK! Oh yeah, and the stamina to party into the morning's wee hours. Nowadays, we bring our kids, our spouses and most of us tend to head to bed by midnight. No matter

though. The gang still has a blast playing hours of euchre while Top Gun plays in the background (another tradition). This year was the most kid-populated so far, with 43 kids. I joke, but that is how it felt some moments. Dan's girlfriend Casey brought her "Dance Dance Revolution" Playstation dance pad and that provided hours of fun for EVERYONE (and a genuine workout for some!). Sam and Shyam's daughter Ria buddied around, sharing books and

sippies and playing with Playdough. A couple of the other kids weren't yet walking, while some are pre-teen. Ron and i had a chance to visit the local lake's community beach on Saturday evening. Sam was a bit timid with the water, but with our gently coercing him, he made it out up to his belly! We gave him a mohawk too, OF COURSE! It was a very nice weekend had by all. Next year's festivities are up for discussion already. Some have suggested Knoebels Theme Park for camping and rides, etc.
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