Sam had his 9 mo. check up today. He's 31 inches long (that's 5 inches short of THREE FEET! Hehe... I like to think of it that way) and weighs 21 lbs. Doc says he looks good, is right on course, and by his stats, just might turn out to be a big boy! Ron and i think its funny to imagine he'll end up 6 foot 3 and towering over us. I would just love it! Wouldn't it be funnier if he was all pumped out and athletic to REALLY live up to his moniker! ;-) We'll just have to keep his hair long, i suppose.

The above picture: This is how Sam celebrated the two hepatitus (sp) shots he received this morning. He's wearing a "frog skin cap" (read: little blankie with a stuffed froggie on one corner) and a bull ring (read: colorful ring toy with a big rubber ball on it). I can't wait to see if he's the joker of the family, constantly cracking us up (not that Ron and i don't do a pretty good job!). He's already comical at 9 mos. old, that's for sure!
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