On Thursday, April 16, Ron, Natalie and I went to NYC for the day! Ron's mom came over the night before to be here for the following day. We got up early, got Sam ready for school (got there 2 min before they were technically open!), and headed out by 7:30am! Natalie bought snackies for the car, so it was a straight shot. We got there and parked in a neighborhood on the Upper West Side where her friend lives. $12 for the day!!! If i ever return, I will do this again.

We walked around the corner and checked out the Ethiopian restaurant that Natalie was taken to for her birthday. Ron and I had never had Ethiopian before - Natalie said it was
similar to Indian, which we ARE familiar with. And it was. It was very tasty. Most of their dishes, however, contain foods I like but they don't like me! I didn't mind.

After lunch, we hopped on the subway and headed to The Heart: Times Square. We went there purposely to check out the TKTS booth to see if we could find a discounted show for that night. When we arrived, the line was HORRENDOUS - hundreds of people. We all agreed we would not be standing around in this mess. We called
Wicked's box office: nothing. We called
s box office: nothing. But i had printed out a 50% off deal the night before to a play called
August: Osage County. Got a ton of good reviews and awards, including Best Play 2008. It was a drama. We decided to go for it and called and bought the tickets right then (standing next to the hundreds still waiting for TKTS to open). The show was at 7:30. It was 2:30.
We had five-ish hours to burn.

I'll always find it fun to watch cabs drive around in the city. It's an art form really. If you are watching from the sidewalk, it's an ebb and flow of yellow. There's never a hesitation, so if you are a person not paying attention, you just might die under the wheels of one, though somehow i don't think this happens very often. Zipping in and out, mysteriously never hitting, bumping or scraping another car. Wow. We hopped in one and rode a few blocks to our next destination:
The Museum of Sex. You read it right, folks. I wouldn't have thought of this place, but Natalie did and we were all game.
For the sake of keeping this a FAMILY BLOG, I've linked a semi-naughty slideshow of pics (calm down, they aren't THAT juicy) when you click on the MoS photo to your left.One of their featured exhibits focused on "The Sex Lives of Animals" which was really quite well done and INTERESTING. I gained a couple trivial nuggets. I loved the sculptures that the artist had, displaying full size animals in mid-copulation: the whole form was covered in masking tape and drawn on with pencil to render the fur/hair, etc. And the eyes were a realistic glass. Really cool. Ron especially liked the antelope threesome (which, you might find interesting to know, is common in the animal kingdom). Their were 2 other exhibits, "ACTION: Sex and the Moving Image" as well as their permanent collection, featuring a lot of "Do Not Touch" tags. Natalie got a stern "AHEM" from one of the security guards.

After that, we headed to a vintage clothing store I had spotted about 3 blocks back called
Cheap Jack's Vintage Clothing. I was thinking it might be a glorified Sal Val or something. Ron headed right to the basement where the Men's section was, thinking he might find something circa 1920 for
Hopey's wedding. As soon as i headed to one of the racks, i tried to tactfully contain my eyeballs; i don't need to stick OUT like a tourist. A terrycloth strapless shorts
jumpsuit that i had in yellow in 1983 when i was a dorky chubby 12 yr old was being sold for $165!!!!!!!! I knew it was time to leave. I descended the stairs to meet Ron and his eyes told me that he had flipped over a price tag as well. C'est la vie.
So then we just decided to walk and see where it takes us. Within minutes, i wondered out loud how much it was to ride in one of those
cycle rickshaws. I completely admire the guys that 'drive' them... it looks like HARD WORK - **AND** dangerous. See above commentary on the cabs, and now add a dude biking a RICKSHAW! While i was buying a big pretzel,

Natalie and Ron got to chatting with one of the dudes and before we knew it, we were all hopping in. I caused a mini stink about it, highlighting the fact that this guy could NOT pull our weight. He assured me that he could and that he'd pulled 5 people before. I said he was lying, and reluctantly (but excitedly) got in. IT WAS FUN!!! He pulled us about 15 (?) blocks for $20. Now i can say i've done that.

I suggested we grab a beer, and we all concurred, so within minutes, we found a cool looking bar and lounge on 8th and 45th street called "Social." We each did one Tequila shot for fun (to the outrageous and "not Western NY prices" tune of $27!!) and hunkered down to relax with a couple beers. The bar started to fill up fast for Happy Hour. It was then that we had to get going to go see our show! But first: a quick slice of NY pizza (OH SO GOOD) and a triangle of Baklava.
We had good seats for the play (bought them blind). It was about 3 hours long with two 10 min intermissions. Ron really liked it but commented on its "downer" tone, which it certainly had, but that quality added to the play's success. I felt that it dragged from time to time, but by no means disenjoyed

it. I've wanted to see a play/show in NYC for a VERY long time, and i finally did it. I'm glad. I think next time i would like to catch a musical or something off-off broadway where there's seating for 100 or something.
The drive home was LONNNNNGGG. I started the first leg, gave the reins to Ron at one point and woke to Natalie driving the last part. We were all very glad to pull in at 4:45am! I had scheduled myself to work at 10 and i really appreciated Ron letting me sleep-in while he yukked it up with the kiddos. Shirley, incidentally, had a GREAT day/night with the kids, which made me VERY happy to hear. I had called her during the play's first intermission and rest assured.
See ya next time, Big Apple.