few times when a few firetrucks (HA!) went by. There was a kid in a gorilla costume that came up and shook his hand, and somehow that didn't wig him out, thank goodness! I quite enjoyed the Corning East Marching Band's performance right in front of us. I always get chills when i hear the BIG DRUMS. I love that feeling in my gut. I think the whole thing lasted all of 30 min, which i predicted. I did not, however, predict the low turnout. At least it seemed low to me. I was expecting parking hassles and no place to sit on the sidelines. Not only did we get a roomy spot in the shade, but Ron was able to
park right around the corner. Go figure. Today's weather was PICTURE PERFECT. No clouds, blue sky, awesome breeze, and warm enough to feel the sun but cool enough to enjoy it. I personally started the day off early this morning with a solo walk of 2 hours around Corning. I stopped a few times, to take in my surroundings, one of which included the fountain near Centerway Square; they've finally got it running. I was the only one there, dipping my hot toes in the cool water and prompting my face freckles to come out. A super cool day... one of the best ones this year!