Monday, November 12, 2007

"Pop pop"

Another introduction to blatant sugar source: The Lollipop. I have to be very calculative as to WHEN i give him a "pop pop." Right before dinner is not really a good time, i learned.

Here's a good place to update everyone (mostly me, for record-keeping purposes!) on the latest words and phrases from Sam:

Words: puppy, apple, juice ('joo'), happy, WHOA!, ball, choo-choo, beep beep (anything related to a car), meow ('Nyow'), book, hoo-hoo (when seeing an owl), moon ('moo'), work (work, minus the "k" sound, in response to "Where's Daddy?"), night-night ("Do you know what time it is, Sam?"), shhh, blue ('boo'), pee-pee, poo-poo (pointing to toilet and/or butt), Please ('peas'), Thank you ('den doo')...

"All RIGHT, Mommy/Daddy/Puppy!" - used most often when I finally shoot a used tissue into the wastebasket after missing 100x, or when Beegsley catches a dog biscuit tossed to him. Also popular when Ron comes out of the shower (haha!)

"How I wah" - sung, the first portion of "How i wonder what you are." when anything about a STAR is said. This one really surprised me the other day!

........ ah, within no time, we'll be having a conversation. I REALLY look forward to jotting down the crazy stuff he's sure to say!

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